Are you excited for ISDC opening?

Friday, November 28, 2014

Katie McCormick

Dances for our competition team are flying sky high with winning performances. A guest choreographer will also come to the studio when it opens to help create dances for our dancers! Katie McCormick is a dancer who has traveled in dance and always got award winning performances, so we hope to get up and running soon to get her in!

Sunday, November 16, 2014


The costumes are being designed for the competition team as an EARLYYYYYY head start! We have over a decade till we hope it opens, but hey, lets get started while we can!
Cute costumes are being designed, and as a little sneak peek of a solo we are calling, Top of the World, is going to have a little pretend homeless girl while her friends are always getting leads. We can't show you the costume, but we hope to soon!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Under Construction

Iced Stars Dance Complex is a Dance Company, which should be opening in no later than 17 years.
Yes, that's a long time away. But, it's good to know earlier than later. Iced Stars Dance Complex will be managed by Dance Teacher/Choreographer, Kendall Anne. Kendall will be running the company, as well as teaching the Competitive Team, which will compete every few weeks, three weeks at the most. There will be all sorts of dance classes available when it opens up, somewhere in Virginia. Posts weekly will be available for you to check, so you can get a head start. Coupons, Newsletters, and more will be available, even before Iced Stars Dance Complex opens. Thank you,
                                                                                                                             Kendall Anne